Mumtaz Hanif is an eleven year old orphan child enrolled in the fifth grade of Bustan Girls' School. The school has special importance for this angel faced girl as it is a place where she can realize her father’s dreams and also a place of recreation and fun. Mumtaz was the centre of all the happiness and dreams of her father, who worked as the village barber. Despite his low income, he had dreams for his child. “Papa wanted me to be a pilot; I want to become a pilot after completing my education.” But life did not give him the chance to see his child progressing in education. He became a heart patient few years back and died in 2004. Mumtaz misses her father. "He used to call me baiti" (local word for daughter, used to show love), says Mumtaz with sadness etched on her innocent face. Mumtaz works hard at her studies and her teacher’s rate her highly and her classmates appreciate her friendliness as well.
Mumtaz has to help her mother in her daily chores, although she is only 11 years old. She helps her mother in cleaning the house and washing the utensils before setting off to school. Her mother is happy with her. Her mud house is half an hour walking distance from Bustan School and often her friends accompany her to school. They chit chat and have fun on the way. “Mama does not allow me go outside, to meet my friends and to play with them.” Her mother, a young widow, feels that it is unsafe for her to wander around at such a young age so Mumtaz obeys her mother and plays with Nabila and Aalya, her best friends, only during break hours at school. "There is so much happiness and fun at school", she tells us happily.
Aasima Sakhawat is a 14 year old student of Bustan Girls' School. Her urge to serve humanity has been a force behind continuing her education after the death of her father - Aasima wants to be nurse. Her father, Mohammad Sakhawat Ali, died of a heart attack while he was serving in the Pakistan Army. Aasima was an infant and says that she does not remember her father. The only source of income for the household is her father’s pension and a small piece of land that provides the family with wheat. Her elder brother has no job. Aasima gets up early in the morning and helps her mother in preparing breakfast and then gets ready for school. Her friends, Tasnim, Anjum and Sobia come to her home and the four walk to the school which is half an hour walking distance. She says other girls from the surrounding houses go to Bustan School, but she feels happy in the company of her best friends. She says that winter is the best season, whilst summer is always very hot. “It is very hot when we are going back home” says Aasima. She helps her mother in the evening to wash the clothes, clean the house and also learns traditional sewing and embroidery. My mother wants me to learn these skills as well because it will help to bring in some money for my household.